New Tara

Product Description

(THIAMETHOXAM 25 %WG) Insecticide:

Thiamethoxam 25 % WG is Broad Spectrum systemic Insecticide Having Quick stomach and Contact action and it recommended for its use to control stem borer Goll midge leaf folder brown plant hopper (BPH),white backed plant hopper (WBPH ) Green Leaf Hopper (GLH) Thrips on rice ,Jassids aphids and whiteflies in cotton ,hoppers in mango ,aphids in wheat ,aphids jassidsin okra ,aphids in mustard ,white filies in tamato ,whiteflies ,Jassids in Brinjal ,Mosquito bug in tea & aphids in potato ,Psylla in citrus and aphids in Cumin.

Crop :Rice, cotton, Mango, Wheat, Mustard, Tomato, Brinjal, Tea, Potato.

Pest :Jessid, Aphid , White Fly

Packing :1 kg, 500gm, 250gm, 100gm

Dosage :50-100gm/Acre



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